Monday, May 12, 2008

Life in the West hills

Life is beautiful for me today. My husband and I took our four year old grandaughter to the park. While grandpa was dutifully pushing her in her swing I became engrossed in one of my Victorian magazines.All at once I heard a little voice calling grandma...grandma... I love you. This was such an unusual declaration from her as only grandpa is usually the recipient of such declarations of fondness
This litttle girl along with her sister have been a source of great joy to us. They say so many cute things that I thought I'd better write them down tonight.
When asked if she had ever been to SanFrancisco,the answer was ,"No but I've been to Costco."
" I better brush my teeth or I'll get cabinets.
Oh my gonoshis(a combination of oh my goodness and oh my gracious)
It's so beautiful,I can't breathe! Her version of It's so beautiful,it takes my breath away!
She is allowed only one strawberry yogurt drink a day. She asks for something that is strawberry and drinkie. She also declares that only one yogurt drink a day "makes me nervous."
When we attended her big sister's open house at school she and I came upon a giant tooth on display. She exclaimed "For the tooth fairie."
To her mother's horror she presented her with a slug,exclaiming,"Look I found a naked snail"
When her aunt told she was going to San Diego to a wedding ,her comment,"I'm going to marry Diego too!" (her favorite tv character.)